Nearly half of all Americans suffer from some form of gum disease. Advanced gum disease, known as periodontitis, can lead to loss of bone and even tooth loss if left untreated. Periodontal treatment addresses gum and bone disease.
While the symptoms of early periodontal disease, or gingivitis, are mild, as the disease progresses, symptoms become more and more severe. Your gums may bleed, become inflamed, and even recede. The bacteria that cause gum disease feed off of sugars and food particles that become trapped in the gingival pockets, causing an inflammatory response in your body. This results in bone loss, gum recession, and tooth loss, but fortunately, with periodontal care from Dr. Grimard, you can take back the health of your smile, and live life with confidence again.
Restore your gums
Restore your bone density
Save your teeth
Prepare for dental implants
Sometimes called a “deep cleaning,” scaling and root planing is used to remove plaque and tartar buildup above and below the gum line, as well as smoothing the surface of the roots. Not only does this get rid of the harmful bacteria that cause gum disease, the smooth surface allows the gums to reattach more easily, leaving less room for bacteria to flourish and grow.
Periodontal maintenance is critical to maintaining the results of surgical treatment to keep periodontitis (gum and bone disease) at bay. Most patients with periodontal disease will need periodontal cleanings every three months to keep their gum and bone tissues healthy.
Periodontal disease causes your gums to pull away from the teeth, creating pockets that allow bacteria to thrive and multiply. Pocket reduction surgery aims to reduce the size of those pockets and starts by pulling the gum back, creating a flap, so the pocket can be cleaned. Sometimes, the root will need to be smoothed or reshaped, or guided tissue therapy will be used to encourage the regrowth of bone tissue that has been destroyed by periodontitis. Once the site is free from bacteria and any other issues have been addressed, the flap will be sutured shut in a different position that reduces the pocket depth.
More advanced cases of periodontal disease can require more in-depth treatment. Surgical debridement goes further than scaling and root planing, cleaning out the pocket between the gums and teeth, the pocket wall, and underlying tissues, in addition to smoothing out the root surfaces.
Gum disease, once it advances to the stage of periodontitis, causes bone deterioration. As the disease progresses, it can lead to tooth loss and other oral health issues. To stop the continuation of bone loss, or to provide additional structural support for dental implants, bone grafts may be placed. Utilizing donor tissues, we can restore your oral health and save your smile.
Guided tissue regeneration, or GTR, is a technique used to guide the growth of new tissue to provide support and stability to the teeth of patients suffering from bone or soft-tissue loss, often caused by periodontal disease. GTR works in tandem with gum surgery and bone grafting by placing a special membrane or barrier between the hard and soft tissues to allow the slower-growing bone the necessary time and space to regenerate.
IV conscious sedation is delivered directly into your bloodstream via an IV, and allows you to enter a deeply relaxed state. You may even fall asleep during your treatment, though you will remain conscious enough to be woken up or respond to questions or commands. When used in combination with local anesthetics, IV conscious sedation can ensure your visit is a relaxing experience, free from pain or anxiety.
The effects of IV conscious sedation do last for several hours after administration, so you will need to arrange for a ride to and from your appointment.
Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, is the lightest form of sedation available, and can keep you calm during your treatment. With little to no side effects, laughing gas is administered through a mask that goes over your nose, and takes effect almost immediately, melting away your anxieties. Laughing gas produces feelings of euphoria and drowsiness, but you will still be able to answer questions and respond to commands.
Once your procedure is complete, oxygen will flow through the mask, removing any remaining sedative, and the effects will wear off within minutes. You can even drive yourself home from your appointment.