Supportive Oral Surgeries in Pueblo

Supportive Treatments for Orthodontists, Endodontists & General Dentists

Dr. Grimard works closely with other oral health professionals to provide supportive procedures and specialized care to ensure your treatment goes according to plan. With his expertise, he can help set you up for success in orthodontic and endodontic therapy, and can also perform more complex procedures than most general dentists are capable of.

Orthodontic Adjuncts

Tooth Uncovering

When teeth are impacted, or fail to erupt properly, they can cause a variety of oral health issues, and must be uncovered to proceed with orthodontic treatment. To uncover an impacted tooth, Dr. Grimard will make an incision in the gum, and remove any bone tissue that may be preventing the tooth from erupting. He will then attach an anchor to the tooth, that your orthodontist will later connect to surrounding teeth, in order to help guide it into the proper position.

Eruption Chain Placement

Once a tooth has been uncovered, a bracket will be fixed to the tooth with a small chain attached. This chain will link up with surrounding brackets to help pull the tooth into alignment with the rest of your smile.

TAD Placement

TADs, or temporary anchorage devices, can be used to speed up orthodontic treatment, or as an alternative to headgear. These small, screw-like implants are placed directly in the jaw bone, and provide a stable anchor point for orthodontic appliances to pull or push against. They allow teeth to be moved in a predictable manner, and are usually only in place for a few months of your orthodontic treatment.

Bone Plates

Another type of TAD, titanium plates can be used to provide a stable anchor point for orthodontic movement. These are larger devices that can allow for results that used to only be possible through more complex surgical procedures.


Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy, or SFOT, combines a variety of surgical procedures tailored to a patient's needs prior to orthodontic surgery. The primary goal of SFOT is to enhance the quality and quantity of alveolar bone around the teeth as they are shifted with orthodontics.

Additional Supportive Procedures

Frenectomies, esthetic crown lengthening, and gum grafting are all additional procedures that Dr. Grimard performs to support orthodontists. All of these services are performed to prepare your mouth for, or address issues that may arise during, your orthodontic treatment.

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Supportive Oral Surgeries

Hard & Soft Tissue Biopsies

Oral cancer is rare, but treatable when identified early on. If your dentist notices any tissue discolorations or abnormalities during your regular exam, they will likely suggest getting a biopsy. Dr. Grimard uses gentle techniques to perform both soft and hard tissue biopsies, and will coordinate with your general dentist and oral pathologist to discover what is causing the abnormality.


Tongue ties and lip ties occur when the frenulum, the tissue that connects the tongue to the base of the mouth or the gums to the upper lip, is too short or thick. This is a common condition that is usually noticed during infancy, as the restricted movement often causes difficulty with breastfeeding and, if left untreated, can lead to speech pathologies. Dr. Grimard uses minimally invasive techniques to release the frenulum and restore a healthy range of movement.


Endodontic Adjuncts

Root Fillings

When patients suffer from chronic periodontal disease, oral trauma, or other oral health issues, they may experience root resorption. This condition is characterized by the deterioration of the tooth's roots, and can result in tooth and additional bone loss.

If you're experiencing root resorption, Dr. Grimard can perform surgical root fillings underneath the gum line, to restore the tooth's roots and your oral health.

Sedation Options

IV Conscious Sedation

IV conscious sedation is delivered directly into your bloodstream via an IV, and allows you to enter a deeply relaxed state. You may even fall asleep during your treatment, though you will remain conscious enough to be woken up or respond to questions or commands. When used in combination with local anesthetics, IV conscious sedation can ensure your visit is a relaxing experience, free from pain or anxiety.

The effects of IV conscious sedation do last for several hours after administration, so you will need to arrange for a ride to and from your appointment.

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

Laughing gas, or nitrous oxide, is the lightest form of sedation available, and can keep you calm during your treatment. With little to no side effects, laughing gas is administered through a mask that goes over your nose, and takes effect almost immediately, melting away your anxieties. Laughing gas produces feelings of euphoria and drowsiness, but you will still be able to answer questions and respond to commands.

Once your procedure is complete, oxygen will flow through the mask, removing any remaining sedative, and the effects will wear off within minutes. You can even drive yourself home from your appointment.

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